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ExtraCarry Mag Holder [REVIEW] - Mag Specific and Universal Mag Pouches

I recently spoke with Rick, the designer, and owner of a company called ExtraCarry. He asked me to take a look at a couple of their products. Specifically, he wanted some feedback on their different magazine pouches designed for concealed carriers who carry a spare magazine in their pocket. ExtraCarry...

CCW Gear Considerations Besides a handgun and holster - Shooting Illustrated

The following accessories are important elements of your concealed-carry complement. by Shooting Illustrated Staff   A. Designed to fit any 380, 9 mm or .45 ACP single and double-stack pistol magazine, the ExtraCarry 2.0 Universal Concealed Carry Mag Pouch provides a deep-concealment option that allows you to carry a reload in your pocket. Click for more details

Shooting Illustrated Pro Shop Recommended CCW Gear - December 2021

A Special Thanks To The Staff At Shooting Illustrated The ExtraCarry Mag Pouches have bee listed as an important accessory in the Shooting Illustrated Pro Shop - CCW Gear section of Shooting Illustrated December 2021.   MAG SPECIFIC PRODUCT DETAILS UNIVERSAL POUCH PRODUCT DETAILS