Black Man With A Gun - ExtraCarry Mag Pouch Product Review - Glock 17/22
Extra Carry [Product review] Extra Carry mag holder is a nylon product (I thought it was soft Kydex, but I was wrong) made so that you can carry a single extra magazine anywhere you can clip it. it has a very ingenious clip that swivels and locks into place allowing you to use it without a belt. According my friends that make this thing it was intentional and the patent is pending. The ExtraCarry Mag Pouch was mainly designed to fit into a pocket and look like a knife, but be secure to prevent the pouch from coming out along with the mag. It will work on any part of your pants or as you mentioned in a purse or any off-body carry solution like a back pack etc. This is actually the best feature of this thing. That thing grips! You can wear it on your pajamas if you want. The one I reviewed was for the Glock 17. I recommend you get one for the option. For uniformed officers it will work too you want to put that extra mag somewhere other than your Sam Browne belt. The box-shaped mag pouch does print on polyester and blends if your trousers are a little tight. But it doesn’t look like a magazine either. It gives the appearance that you are carry a flashlight or folded blade. And like my friend told me (quoted above) For those that carry bags, it might be a great option inside the purse, handbag or carry all as it will stay put. This is a cool tool to have in your bag of tricks. If you are a serious concealed carry holder, or carry a firearm professionally, you need a couple of these for special occasions. I want to thank ExtraCarry for allowing me to review their product. I think I said this earlier, but I like it. I gave it to a friend to review after I tried it, and haven’t seen it since. I bet you have one of those friends too.