Best Way Carry Spare Ammo Concealed - Ammoland Shooting Sports News - Ammoland.com
The newly released, patent pending, ExtraCarry Mag Pouch is the newest and best way to carry spare ammo concealed.
It is lightweight and ambidextrous. Just slide it into any pocket and it looks unassuming just like any pocket knife with a pants clip. The ExtraCarry Mag Pouch securely locks into your pocket with its patent pending integrated clip. Your spare magazine is well hidden and rapidly available when you need it.
The ExtracCarry Mag Pouch is manufactured using strong and flexible nylon and has an integrated spring steel pocket clip. They are made in the USA with retail prices starting at $50. They’re currently available for the 1911 (7 and 8 round), Colt Government 380, Colt Mustang 380, Glock 17/22, Glock 19/23, Glock 26/27/33, Glock 36, Glock 42 and 43, Keltec 3AT, Remington Rm390, Ruger LCP, S&W M&P Shield 40 and 9mm, S&W M&P Bodyguard 380, Sig Sauer P238, Springfield XD(m) 45 and 9mm and the Springfield XD-S 45 and 9mm.
More variations are on the way.The ExtraCarry Mag Pouch provides a deep pouch covering the magazine’s first exposed round along with protecting the notch in the magazine which holds it in place in a pistol. No worries about foreign objects, like coins, dirt, debris, getting stuck between the magazine pouch and the magazine or dislodging a round that could easily cause a jam.
For more information you can visit:
- Company Website: www.extracarry.com
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HspQk-CfzB0
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/extracarry/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/ExtraCarry-1494622134180254/
About ExtraCarry:
The ExtraCarry Mag Pouch grew out of necessity. There wasn’t a good way to carry a spare mag concealed, especially if you wanted to pocket carry. The goal of the ExtraCarry Team: Bring to market the best mag pouch for deep concealment, without compromising the features required to carry spare ammo securely and ready to use in an emergency. With more than a year’s worth of field testing, continued design improvements and feedback from top industry professionals, we introduced the ExtraCarry Mag Pouch product line in 2015. We are always looking for feedback from the firearms community on what to design next. Don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always willing to do a new design for something we don’t currently offer. If you have a custom idea we might be able to help with it as well. Let us know how you use your ExtraCarry Mag Pouch. We would be happy to mention it in an upcoming Blog post. I am sure our followers want to know as well.
For more information, visit: www.extracarry.com.