ExtraCarry Mag Holder [REVIEW] - Mag Specific and Universal Mag Pouches
I recently spoke with Rick, the designer, and owner of a company called ExtraCarry. He asked me to take a look at a couple of their products. Specifically, he wanted some feedback on their different magazine pouches designed for concealed carriers who carry a spare magazine in their pocket. ExtraCarry...
[REVIEW] Extra Carry: Concealed Carry Magazine Pouch - Glock 26 Review
Post: [REVIEW] Extra Carry: Concealed Carry Magazine Pouch- Glock 26 Link: [REVIEW] Extra Carry: Concealed Carry Magazine Pouch Author: Brandon Curtis - Brandon founded Concealed Nation in January of 2013 with the goal of promoting responsible concealed carry, and providing useful information to those interested in the topic.Brandon Great Review on the ExtraCarry Mag Pouch for the Glock 26 Thank you.The ExtraCarry™ Staff