First look -- ExtraCarry Now Offers Custom Mag Pouch Holders

First look -- ExtraCarry Now Offers Custom Mag Pouch Holders

We recently started getting requests for custom versions of the ExtraCarry Mag Pouch. So if it's possible we would be happy to accommodate your needs.

Below is a review from one happy customer along with some photos of his custom ExtraCarry Mag Pouch for his Walther PPS.

Custom ExtraCarry Mag Pouch for Walther PPS ExtraCarry Mag Pouch - Carry your spare ammo concealed

I purposely pulled the mag low to give more of a top down view, the giant end of the PPS mag is completely concealed.

   After I put my first hundred rounds through my Walther PPS M2 I had fallen in love. Not only was it compact and comfortable to shoot, but it was FUN to boot. A far cry from my Kahr PM9 that took closer to 500 rounds. Although I still do love and appreciate the diminutive Kahr, it is definitely no fun to shoot at the range. As it goes with most single stack 9s on the market, ammo capacity is a concern. For my Kahr I was using a snagmag setup I found on Amazon and was happy enough with it, however their offering for the M2 was a joke.  The end of the magazine protruded above the pocket line and it was painfully obvious it was a magazine in your pocket. After a quick search on the Walther forums I was inclined to shoot Rick at Extra Carry an email about my concerns and he was confident he could do better if I could let him borrow the mags. I was at the post office the following day. The final product is simple and functional, and I couldn’t be happier!

Custom ExtraCarry Mag Pouch for Walther PPS - pocket viewCustom ExtraCarry Mag Pouch for Walther PPS - pocket top viewCustom ExtraCarry Mag Pouch for Walther PPS - exterior pocket view

This is the double mag in a loose fitting pair of jeans. The print pattern is very cell phone like. It does take up the whole pocket but I’m ok with that. The mags are easy to get to and very easy to draw. They stay secure no matter the activity. All in all I couldn’t be happier with both the finished product and Rick’s communication throughout the process.