Chris Sajnog - Retired Navy SEAL - selected the ExtraCarry Mag Pouch for his Glock 36

Chris Sajnog - Retired Navy SEAL - selected the ExtraCarry Mag Pouch for his Glock 36

Chris Sajnog - July/Aug 2016 issue of Firepower Magazine Cover

Although he’s done taking out terrorists, he’s still on a mission: To change the way armed citizens learn to shoot. He spent most of his life training the world's most elite warriors, the US Navy SEALs. One day he came home from a long deployment and realized his two young boys needed him more than the SEAL Teams. After 20 years of serving his country, it was time to grow up — and become a father.

Chris, a Master Training Specialist in the Navy, was hand selected to write the US Navy SEAL Sniper Manual. He used this experience, plus four years of studying neuroscience and how the brain works, to develop the New Rules of Marksmanship — a fundamental shift in the way shooting is taught. He’s the author of two bestselling books, How to Shoot Like a Navy SEAL and Navy SEAL Shooting and uses and recommends the ExtraCarry Concealed Carry Magazine Pouch.

He’s the owner of Center Mass Group, LLC a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business in San Diego, CA and now offers his unique training exclusively online at

Check out the ExtraCarry Mag Pouch - Cover Gear Select by Chris Sajnog - World Of FirePower Magazine July/August 2016

FirePower Magazine Cover - ExtraCarry Mag Pouch - Chris Sajnog for his Glock 36


Glock 36 ExtraCarry Mag Pouch - Cover Gear - Firepower Magazine

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